- Spring Garage Sale: May 4-5th
- Annual Meeting: May 22nd – 6:30p @ Westerville Library
- Family Picnic & Movie Night: July TBD
- Fall Garage Sale: October 5-6th
- Carriage Ride: TBD
- Christmas Eve Luminaria: December 24th
SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Additional volunteers are welcome. Please consider joining one of our committees and sharing your talents with the community. If you have any interest, please contact the committee Chairperson.
Chair: Christine Jajack chrisknip16@hotmail.com
Members: Jessica Christoff, Dina Gesouras
Social events are such an important part of a vibrant community. The Social Committee plans, coordinates, and hosts neighborhood social functions throughout the year. Have ideas for new neighborhood events? Please contact a member of the Social Committee.
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: The annual Family Movie Night was held Friday, July 14th 2023. As always, the event did not disappoint and was well attended and enjoyed by all.
FREE LITTLE LIBRARY: A new free little library is coming soon to the Mariner’s Cove Duck Pond. A Little Free Library is a free book-sharing box where anyone may take a book or share a book. They function on the honor system. You do not need to share a book in order to take one. If you take a book or two from a little library, try to bring some to share to that same library, or another in your area, when you can.