
                      ********   CURRENT NEWS & ALERTS    *******

SUNBURY LAKE DRIVE BRIDGE:   With the completion of the major improvement projects at each entrance, the next capital improvement project will be focusing on the bridge area.  The project will include the removal of overgrown and dying pine trees and planing of new trees and foliage, painting the bridge, adding water for an irrigation system along with electricity for maintenance and holiday lights.

Ideas regarding the bridge project are welcome and will be discussed at the annual meeting.  The landscaping around the pond area will also be updated and improved in 2024.

REMINDER:   All property improvements and exterior modifications must be submitted to the Design Review Committee for approval prior to the start of your project. All applications can be downloaded from the OMNI’s website at www.omnihoa.com. Contact OMNI staff for details regarding application fee and timeline. Please review the deed restrictions specific to your section and lot number. All property Deed of Restrictions are available at www.marinerscovewesterville.com.

NOTICE OF BOARD RESOLUTION FOR FENCING   At a meeting of the Board on July 23, 2019, a resolution was proposed and approved by the Board to ensure clarity related to acceptable fencing material.  See below for the resolution:

In the general best interest of Mariner’s Cove subdivision as a whole, to promote and ensure attractiveness and aesthetic quality to neighborhood fences, and in order to address the advanced conditions in fencing materials, the Board hereby interprets the Deed Restrictions requirement that fences be of “neat and ornamental material” to allow for advanced technology alternative materials including, but not limited to, aluminum, wrought-iron, composite, and vinyl fencing.

CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS (effective June 14, 2023 @ Annual Meeting)  The MCHA Annual Meeting was last held on Wednesday, June 14th at Westerville Library from 6-8 pm.  For those that took time to attend, thank you from the Board. If you have any questions on what was discussed, please contact Corey Case at cwcase17@gmail.com  

Board Elections:  All five current board members were  re-elected to the Board.   Upon vote by both absentee, proxy and those meeting attendees, the board was elected for the 2023-2024 annual term is displayed below.   

Max Machuta, President
Sandy Lynskey, Past President Designation
Jared Jajack
, Treasurer
Corey Case, Secretary                                                                                                                       Mark Ritzenthaler, Member-at-Large          

Email your request to: cwcase17@gmail.com  

PROPERTY PAINT COLOR GUIDELINES (Effective August 25, 2014)   

Approved Earth Tone Colors Spectrum

Note:  All paint changes that depart from current house paint colors require a Design Review Application and will need to meet  the approved Earth Tone Colors Spectrum.

NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES?  WHEN DO WE HAVE THEM?                     Mariner’s Cove Garage Sale events are always held over the first FULL weekend in May and the first FULL weekend in October. First FULL weekend means the first weekend when both Friday and Saturday are in the that week of the month.

Mariner’s Cove residents should be using the following STANDARD REPLACEMENT mailbox:

Mariner’s Cove Mailbox Code # MCV76K2B Duffy Style Mailbox

   Mailbox JPEG

Cedar Craft Products Inc.                                                                                                                 776 Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road                                                                                          P.O. Box 9
Blacklick, Ohio 43004 

Call 614-759-1600 for pricing information.

Please do not hesitate to share any suggestions or ideas you may have for our community’s website. Please send an email to the MCHA Board at:  hoa@marinerscovewesterville.com.

If you wish to provide your email contact information to community’s electronic messaging directory, please send an email to the Homeowners Association at hoa@marinerscovewesterville.com.                

Please include the following information…

Home Owner Name:                                                                                                                                Home Owner Address:                                                                                                                            Home Owner Phone Number(s):